Spelling Words: bite, cane, cape, hate, hide, tape, time, game, side, bike High Frequency Words: water, that, of, carry Weekly Objectives: final e (a_e, i_e)
Reading - read "Mice are Nice"
Math: Chapter 5 Lesson 14 homework sheet
Spelling: read and write pg. 176
Happy 100th Day of School & Family Night - no homework!
Reading - reread "Mice are Nice"
Math - Chapter 5 Test Review *test tomorrow*
Spelling - write words in ABC order
Reading - reread "Mice are Nice" and answer the question "What would you make for the cat, so he did not eat you?" (answer in complete sentences)
Math - Greater than, Less than, Equal to fluency sheet
Dress Up Day: Valentine's Day (wear pink or red - $1 donation)
No homework! Enjoy the weekend!
Reminders: *Pack a snack and water bottle labeled with your child's name every day
Important Dates: Wednesday, February 12th - Field Trip permission slip & money due Friday, February 14th - Dress up day: Valentine's Day (wear pink or red - $1 donation) Monday February 17th - Friday, February 21st - School Closed: President's Week Monday, February 24th - Dress up day: Be the Change (donate a new, unopened any size box of bandaids)