Happy Valentine's Day to 4I and Families
Your children's gym days are Monday and Thursday. Please make sure they are wearing sneakers.
Feb. 17th to Feb. 21st- Presidents' Week- school closed Feb. 24th- Wear your "Be the Change" t-shirt for Feb. 28th School Spirit Day
classwork topics for the Week and homework posted on google classroom
How to join 4I classroom. Go on google. In the top right hand corner you will find a waffle looking symbol. Click on waffle symbol and find classroom. Click on classroom. This will bring you to 4I classroom. Click on plus sign and enter the code below.
All tests for each week and classwork topics will be found on Classroom
Children have received their G-Mail id and password, along with their ids and passwords for IXL and Connect ED- virtual math textbooks.
TESTS, qUIZZEs, and Projects FOR The Week of February 10th.
math- quiz on Wednesday, February 26th on Lessons 1-4 of chapter 7 Patterns reading- test on chapters 1-3 of Holes on Wednesday, February 16th religion- test on the Third Commandment on Thursday, February 27th reading- test on chapters 4-5 of Holes on Friday, February 28th
Social Studies- Black History Month Project due on Wednesday, February 26th