Teacher: Ms.Cari Rodriguez Paraprofessional: Ms.Olga 2/5: Dental Health 2/7: Hero dress up Day ($1 donation) 11:50 dismissal 2/11: 100th day of school. Dress to look 100 years old! 2/14: Valentine's Day Party 2/17-2/21: School closed 2/28: School Spirit Day
Week of : 2/10-2/15 Theme of the Week: Valentine's Day- Dental Health Letter of the week: Rr Number of the week: #18 Shape of the Month: Heart Color of the Month: Pink Nursery Rhyme of the Month: Little Boy Blue
Tuesday: Name Practice Wednesday: All about the number #18 Thursday: Phonics- Sound to Symbol Rr #125-126
Specials of the Week:
Monday: Gym Tuesday: Music and Movement / Gym Wednesday: Baby Signs Friday: Yoga